Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Welcome to contemporary comments!

Introductions are in order... I am a business administration student at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Burnaby, BC. Presently, I am studying finance, international business and mathematics. With any luck, I will graduate some time in 2005, though SFU students have a strange tendency of taking more than 4 years to finish an undergraduate degree.

Politically, I would describe myself as a liberal internationalist. Naturally, there is a lot of confusion out there as to who actually straddles the middle of the political spectrum. I tend to be sceptical on a lot of political issues. I will admit to some level of prejudice against the radical left, and a certain amount of ridicule for the extreme right. Sometimes, it's difficult to separate oneself from the point-of-view of one's source of information. I know the there are a lot of valid points and arguments supporting and opposing political issues, but obviously, I can't subscribe to every one. If you don't like what I have to say, tough beans!


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